30 November 2013

Here's where it gets fuzzy

Here's where it gets fuzzy. How does one build a strong nation while tearing out the underpinnings of its people most in need of protection? Disabled, unemployed, homeless, sick, mentally ill, poor, uneducated and elderly.These are all Americans just as much as the wealthy, the arrogant, the privileged. I question the veracity of the claim that I am less an American because I am disabled, gay, a woman, mentally ill, unemployed or because I do not hold to religious beliefs especially the notion that this is a christian nation. I am intelligent and educated. I am a voracious reader and I work hard to expand my knowledge to the greatest extent possible. I read texts that I may not necessarily agree with but fill the need of broadening my views whether thru affirmation or negation. I cannot understand people who do not wish to educate themselves - to further their knowledge. Why do some wish to wallow in ignorance, a cage of their own making, and even try to prison others in it? I told you it got fuzzy.

06 September 2013

Until the other shoe drops...

So, a surprise.

I went to bed on Saturday 11 April in the throes of one of the longest and deepest depressions I've had in a very long time. And on Sunday 12 April I awoke to... no depression. There was no slow shifting change it was just  - BAM - I feel like nothing was ever wrong.

This lasted until the weekend of my cousin's wedding June 27 to July 1st - when it started to get a little murky and by the time we arrived home I was in complete meltdown. Go figure. Since then it's been up and down with melancholia straight thru the center. I tend to think that the latter part is related to a physical ailment - more tired than usual and blue toes. The doctors took a ton of blood and ruled out Lupus, auto-immune diseases in general, rheumatoid issues but now are looking at thyroid. Thank you Lithium if it is. Won't know the results for a bit.