I need to know... do you hate?
If your answer is... emphatically - "NO, of course not."
Then I must ask...
Why do you support it thru complacency and tolerance of extremist views within your politics and/or religion?
You do realize that by not speaking out you are as complicit as those acting on their hatred.
You may not say the words but by not denouncing them you are endorsing them.
You may not perpetrate the violence but you might as well be doing the beating, lynching, raping and killing.
We are all the same, no matter how much we wish to deny it.
"the genetic difference between individual humans today is minuscule – about 0.1%, on average" It is this infinitesimal amount that accounts for our differences: skin, hair and eye color, sexual orientation, gender, diseases, i.a. but make no mistake a human is a human is a human.