03 October 2011

I get my best stuff from my FB page

Here we go again another quaint tale from my FaceBook page.....

When you say... "I may not agree with a homosexual lifestyle but that doesn't mean that I think gays are second class citizens & I would never force my religious views on anyone." but basically in the same breath say... "... It just means that they believe that God intended sex to be between a man and a woman, as well as the covenant of marriage. I do support Civil Unions however. That is just what I personally believe..." By saying this you ARE forcing your religious views on others - not everyone is a christian and marriage is not solely a christian tradition (a marriage license is issued by the gov't, many ceremonies are not christian and lastly this is not a christian nation) Also there is no such thing as a "homosexual lifestyle". I do not know many people that would choose a life of degradation, shunning by family, fear of violence from ignorant bigots and reduction to 2nd class status. No one chooses to be gay. You are born that way - it is genetics and wiring in the brain. People who are bigots actually choose(or in some cases had it chosen for them) that "lifestyle". Bigotry is not inherent. It stems from indoctrination and can be changed thru education. Big difference. In fact if homosexuality was a choice there would be no gays - partly from indoctrination by straight parents and fear of being ostracized by society. Homosexuality is found in well over 450 species but homophobia is only found in one -humans. One other trait is found in humans - cherrypicking.

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