03 March 2016

The Bitch & The Lunatic

I read on Facebook people not liking Hillary Clinton because she is a bitch. Is she a bitch because she is a capable woman? She was a successful Senator and Secretary of State. She did her best at her jobs - better than some men have done. She was tough and took no crap - that's a bitch? However, a man with the same attitude is considered powerful, a leader. I will be the first to admit her corporate ties bother me but her ties are less than Trumps - he IS corporate America. Supporters of Trump speak to the fact that he is beholden to no one, this is true, he is not even bound to his supporters. He is beholden to only himself and that is a dangerous thing. According to Politifact "The vast majority of Trump’s contributions to his own campaign — about $12.6 million — are loans rather than donations. This means he could expect to eventually recoup these funds.
Further, of the approximately $12 million Trump’s campaign spent in 2015, about $2.7 million went toward reimbursing Trump-affiliated companies for services provided to the campaign, such as traveling in his own plane and helicopter, according to a New York Times analysis." - http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/feb/10/donald-trump/donald-trump-self-funding-his-campaign-sort/
Does America want someone who has no experience in dealing diplomatically with others? Someone who is divisive, racist, classist, misogynistic, xenophobic - who is basically a jack-booted thug? Someone who proves he does not understand American greatness. America's greatness is compiled of many things, not the least is our diversity. We are a melting pot of many races, religions and life experiences. We reach out and help those in need, whether our own citizens or those of the world. We want the best for future generations and I do not believe we will find that in selling our souls for slogans that make us feel good and included in the moment. Trump is selling an illusion of prosperity and greatness that comes at a steep price, the rights and safety of our friends and and neighbors - the ones he tags as "the others" and "them". He promotes violence at his rally's as if it is the norm and he is not willing to disavow the white supremacy that has latched onto his unspoken message.
I would rather have Hillary "the bitch" knowing that she is a capable leader, that she will never be an embarrassment to our country and will not segregate our population into "us" and "them". Mr Trump needs to understand it is "We the People" and this is a world community where ranting like a lunatic does not gain you respect.

This was originally posted to Facebook and below is my follow-up to a comment.
It holds true here as well - if you read this please comment.

"So what are your reasons for disliking her? I am curious. No one is willing to state their cases for liking/disliking the above. I am just curious - not looking to debate - I spell out clearly above (and elsewhere) the pros & cons for myself.
I WANT to understand what is the attraction and repulsion. What makes racism and no policies avail over diplomacy and experience?

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