29 April 2016

And then . . . they came for me . . .

I'm writing this for real... Splitting the ticket is a guarantee the Republican will win - as much as I want Bernie I want MY RIGHTS more and if Clinton is the nominee I will vote for her. As a gay, Atheist woman in the South I know there will be fall-out for me under either Trump or Cruz. Under Trump I might be screwed but under a Cruz theocracy I will be truly repressed. 

I'm reposting these two from another discussion I was in. People may think I'm being paranoid but let's be realistic this country has NEVER faced an election like this before. The GOP want to fundamentally change what this country stands for and they have fear-mongered a fearful, willfully-ignorant and hate-filled base into falling into line behind their diatribes against anyone who is not like them (white, Christian, conservative).

"I have to be honest, down here in NC (hell the South in general), I'm starting to get more than a little nervous as to what November may bring us, being as both on the state and national level crazy is in the air. McCrory may be down in the polls now but the loons in this state may stay home instead of voting him out because "there's no need to get out the vote if he's losing in the polls" and many won't vote for Clinton just because she's Clinton. As much as I want Bernie come November I want to retain my rights as a gay, Atheist woman more and will vote for Hillary if she is the nominee. I have to look at it as reasonably as I can and I know dividing the Democrats will give whoever the Republican nominee is the win. No matter if it is Cruz or Trump(or a 3rd party win at the Republican convention) the one thing the GOP has that the Liberals don't is unity in the face of adversity. The Left will undercut all our gains in Equality and Freedom because we're pouting over "our" candidate not being the "chosen one". We will throw away Planned Parenthood and a woman's right to control her own body, gay rights, voting rights, civil rights, public education, Separation of Church and State, the knowledge that America is not nor ever was a Christian nation and give corporations and the 1% more of an opportunity to denigrate the majority of US citizens. A write-in vote or no-vote is the same as a vote for the Republican because all the cynicism will add up to a land slide for the Christian-Conservative, Right-Wing Republican nominee - President Cruz or President Trump - YOU WILL HELP HIM WIN."

and this...

"And you think the Republicans are a better choice? 
Clinton's views are not mine but I don't see her turning this nation into a theocracy the way Cruz has verbalized(promised) or the xenophobic hate-fest that Trump has so openly called for. 

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist; And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist; And then they came for the Jews, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew; And then . . . they came for me . . ."
Martin Niemöller

I don't want to have to worry about anyone speaking up for me, that's why I'm speaking out now."

I have been trying to not be so emotional in what I write but it is not just the idea of a possible future - it is the present I have seen in the 12 years since moving to NC that disturbs me. If it was feasible to move North I would because Jim Crow never died down here he was just waiting to make a come back. Trump, Cruz and the rest of the repressed right wing don't care about anyone except themselves and those who copy their propaganda of hate and religious oppression. 
A friend posted in a discussion: "3rd and lastly ... I am sick and tired of having to vote for the person I find least nauseating. If it means blowing things up for four years, so be it. We survived Bush we'll survive Trump and then maybe things will flip around on the other side." -- I also wish I did not have to pick the "least nauseating" but surviving Bush was very different from what these lunatics, yes lunatics, represent. We may survive a Trump or Cruz Presidency (although for some Americans it may be beyond oppressive)but the repercussions will reverberate for decades. 

Both Republicans are a true danger to the majority of the people in this country, one is a hate-mongering xenophobe and the other wants to instill a theocracy. 
I repeat from above: "We will throw away Planned Parenthood and a woman's right to control her own body, gay rights, voting rights, civil rights, public education, Separation of Church and State, the knowledge that America is not nor ever was a Christian nation and give corporations and the 1% more of an opportunity to denigrate the majority of US citizens." and the Supreme Court will be decimated for decades. I have this same discussion with friends, acquaintances and strangers who think we should just gut it out if Trump or Cruz wins. You may not have the same worries that many others do: being LGBT, a minority of race or religion, non-religious, a woman, middle-class or lower-middle class, poverty level, senior citizen, disabled, i.a. but realize that sometimes the end sometimes justifies the means.

Everyone has their faults but it's when you have to search for the positives and they still aren't there(Trump/Cruz), well then, you have to wonder about YOUR decisions. Clinton has some positives and that is what I have to focus on when I think of having to vote for her. Out of all the devils I know I prefer Hillary over the other two.

I believe if Bernie does not get the nomination he will acknowledge the greater good of the Democratic Party to be united and urge his followers to back Clinton. I believe Bernie Sanders believes in America and her people and he truly wants what is best for us - a "Government of [ALL] the people, by [ALL] the people, for [ALL] the people,..." and he knows Hillary will give us that way more than any Republican would ever even think of doing (or want to).

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