17 November 2016

Beating a Dead Horse

I posted this originally on Facebook on November 16th.

Donald Trump is a man. A wealthy man. A savvy man. A man who enjoys power. A man who describes himself as an outsider to Washington, D.C. Politics. Yet now with the election,
over he is surrounding himself with GOP loyalists and lobbyists - a who’s who of Beltway insiders. Was this what his supporters wanted in the White House?  

The Republicans, the Conservatives, the Evangelicals, the alt-right, the Tea Party, the disenfranchised Americans voted for “a savior” and the nation received a demagogue with no checks or balances on his power. The GOP scored a trifecta, something that doesn’t happen very often in American politics, the Presidency, the House and Senate and the promise of appointing at least one but as many as four Supreme Court Judges.  
A man was elected who ran on deportation of "illegal" workers and yet he uses them at his resorts and construction projects. He ran on bringing jobs back to America, yet his own products are produced in China and Mexico. He ran on the catchphrase "Make America Great Again" and he has aligned himself with the alt-right, another word for white supremacists, and what is a return to Jim Crow for all minorities. He is willing to resort to nepotism, instead of a true blind trust, to maintain and possibly increase his business interests while running our nation.

Is this how you “Make America Great Again” by stifling the rights of so many Americans because they don't fit into the RNC's platform? Women’s health and reproductive choice. LBGT rights. Freedom of and from religion. Civil Rights. Voter’s Rights. A living wage. Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Programs benefitting active military and veterans. Mentally and physically disabled. Mental illness. Separation of church and state. Environmental regulations. Immigrants and refugees. Education. Rebuilding infrastructure. Healthcare for all. Why are these unifying and pro-people ideas shunned by the Right and in turn by Donald Trump?

America is on the precipice. A choice between bettering ourselves by lifting each other up or widening the divide that separates us through petty cruelties and vulgarities. “E Pluribus Unum” Latin for "Out of many, one" - we who are Americans - all of us - no matter color, creed, age, sexual identity, gender.  How can we garner the world’s respect if we cannot respect each other? Feeding into hate and perceived differences will only drive the country lower in the international world view.

People say we must fall in line behind President-elect Trump and give him a chance. I say the time for chances has passed. I will not blindly follow a self-ascribed misogynist, bigot, racist, and xenophobe. If Trump desires to lead, then he must lead through example. He must cast off the alt-right, the KKK, associates like Steve Bannon, sexist viewpoints, and other divisive attitudes. Donald Trump may never be perfect, but he can be better. If he is to lead us, let him do so with a patriotic love for all citizens, not for those only like him.

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