19 September 2011

110 friends on Facebook

I have 110 friends on Facebook. Most of them are friends or family that I have known most of my adult life. The sad thing is I have nothing in common with the majority of them. I'm progressive liberal. I believe all Americans are equal. Equality is not subjective. Gay, straight, no matter your color, no matter your religion or lack of, gender should not matter, political affiliation, rich,middle class or poor nor should your age be a deciding factor. I could not even begin to tell you all what their conservative beliefs entail but I know a few things tho.  Why has education, especially Science, become a taboo subject? It is fine to have religious beliefs but remember that being religious does not preclude knowledge. Knowledge not religion has allowed cancer treatments that work, man to enter the space age and the United States of America to achieve the title "greatest country" and much much more. I listen to family tell me they believe Bill O'Reilly over Stephen Hawking when it comes to Science... I cringe. The same people who say they love me don't believe I deserve the same rights they have unless I live my life as a lie. Marry as long as it's the opposite sex, no public displays of affection and I guess since the military is accepting  those damn gays now straight enlistment will go down so that won't matter so much now. In a way it's like when the military desegregated.... all the whites left only blacks left to serve. Now the military will only be gay and lesbian blacks.... yeah right. I try not to think I'm related and am friends with a bunch of bigots. But maybe there are more bigots than I thought.

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