13 June 2016

The Bern of Revolution

Are you still feeling the Bern?
Senator Sanders campaign was not about one man bringing about change, he said it himself, it is about all the people coming together for a revolution. A revolution does not end if its leader needs to step aside - it grows stronger because we must ensure that our collective voices are heard. Bernie is NOT going anywhere and neither should we. It's not what he wants. He knows that only together can we defeat Trump, the GOP and hold onto everything that the liberal/progressive agenda stands for. If we really believe in Bernie's message, then we will not only vote in November but we will carry Senator Sander's (and our) agenda to the Democratic Convention and everyplace there is for us to spread the word. Clinton may be the standard bearer, but she will acknowledge and further our agenda if we speak out and not let what is important to us fall by the wayside. Use social media, sign petitions, march, write snail mail, use the cell phone that's attached to your face - speak out to what is important to you! The power for change lies in all of us so get off your ass and quit whining that you have no reason to vote. You have plenty of reasons to get out there and the major one is that your forefathers got you free from English rule so that you could have freedom from tyranny - by not voting you cast a vote for a new tyranny in the name of Donald Trump.

If I'm not convincing then take it from Bernie Sanders:

[EXCERPT] "Donald Trump is running a campaign based on bigotry, which is hard to understand that can still be happening in the year 2016," Sanders said. "After all this party has gone through for hundreds of years trying to combat discrimination. ... It is not acceptable to me that he is running a campaign trying to demonize Mexicans and Muslims, women or African Americans. I will do everything I can, and I'm sure I'm speaking for everyone behind me, to see that he will be defeated."
Sanders said he and the group of advisers concluded that "political revolutions" — which he has called his campaign from the beginning — are not dependent on election days.
"This country faces enormous crises and we together are going to do our best to transform this country by bringing millions and millions of people into the political process," Sanders said. "If you ask me what I am most proud of in this campaign is we have begun doing just that."

Read the whole article at: Sanders in Burlington: Trump must be defeated

12 June 2016

Pity, Sympathy, Empathy or Understanding?

What do you want?
Pity, Sympathy, Empathy or Understanding?
I would like understanding.
And not just for myself.

                                          Source: Wikicommons

 How do you account for your opinions?
How do you view others?
This is my story... at least part of it.
I have Bipolar but I've worked since I turned 16... well as much as my illness has allowed. I have worked in restaurants (in the kitchen), retail (as management and CSR), I briefly taught Elementary Art in NYC, I have my FCC license to work in a radio station, I received a Bachelor of Science in Studio Art(Ceramics) and while in college was the Ceramic Studio Assistant, I participated in Student Government and also worked on a Senatorial and a Presidential campaign.
I have to admit I did pretty good for some stretches and pretty crappy other times. I have been hospitalized in psychiatric facilities for what totals up to one year and a couple extra weeks(so far). My first stay was 4 months (February to May) - I was 17 (turned 18 in the hospital) so I didn't get to graduate with my class. My second stint was in 1995, that was the big one, 6 months plus a few weeks. The rest were in one week increments once or twice a year and sometimes when I'm lucky I skip a year (once 2 years!)
Besides the Bipolar I also have a host of other medical issues, so now I am permanently on Social Security Disability. I also receive Medicare Parts A, B and D. However, I "make" too much to be eligible for Medicaid. My Medicare Part D covers the majority of the cost of my medications, if I didn't have it my medications would take up my entire month's check and I would still be short by more than $500 dollars. I also live with my mom. Did I mention I'm 47?
I don't want your pity, sympathy or empathy.
I want your understanding.
Understand that there are times when the life we live
is not a choice. 
We do the best we can and sometimes even that is not good enough.
If I could choose a smile or laughter over suicidal ideation I would.
Having a society that understands that is worth more than all the empathy and sympathy combined.
No one wants your pity.
I want your opinion of those you deem "less than you" to be enlightened by your release of willful ignorance.
Understand that not everyone has the same opportunities and we all do the best we can with what cards we are dealt. 

08 June 2016

Where? How? Why? America.

Where are we at as a nation?
How do the rest of the world's nations view us?

This is an open letter to everyone who supports Senator Bernie Sanders, any Democrats, Republicans and also Independents who believe that they are left out and disenfranchised by the Democrats, Republicans and American politics in general.

If Americans want reform in our political system then the way to do it is by not allowing 4 years of Trump to spite the DNC. The way change comes about is thru REAL, TRUE activism. Americans (Red, Blue & Neutral) need to get off their collective asses at the local level and get out to vote, run for office and ensure that we never get to the point of this type of manipulation again. Americans became lazy, complacent and willfully ignorant to our political process and we are now reaping what we sowed. By not participating in your local, state and federal government (thru phone calls, personal visits, petitions - voicing your wants and desires of them), by allowing incumbents a free ride every re-election, by not voting in primaries and lower than federal level elections and by whining that you have no control over a rigged process you allowed the Trump/Clinton dichotomy to occur. The saying is "One Man, One Vote" and that is true but government is more than one vote every four years. The American people need to take stock of what is important to them and simple platitudes just won't cut it, screaming slurs at immigrants, woman and minorities won't cut it and sitting on your ass whining about how you had no choice this election season definitely won't cut it. You had more than one choice but you chose the easy one. The easy one brought grief. The hard choice is difficult because you have to work for the results but if I remember correctly this country and its major milestones were all born of hard choices and work.