What do you want?
Pity, Sympathy, Empathy or Understanding?
I would like understanding.
And not just for myself.
Source: Wikicommons
How do you account for your opinions?
How do you view others?
This is my story... at least part of it.
I have Bipolar but I've worked since I turned 16... well as much as my illness has allowed. I have worked in restaurants (in the kitchen), retail (as management and CSR), I briefly taught Elementary Art in NYC, I have my FCC license to work in a radio station, I received a Bachelor of Science in Studio Art(Ceramics) and while in college was the Ceramic Studio Assistant, I participated in Student Government and also worked on a Senatorial and a Presidential campaign.
I have to admit I did pretty good for some stretches and pretty crappy other times. I have been hospitalized in psychiatric facilities for what totals up to one year and a couple extra weeks(so far). My first stay was 4 months (February to May) - I was 17 (turned 18 in the hospital) so I didn't get to graduate with my class. My second stint was in 1995, that was the big one, 6 months plus a few weeks. The rest were in one week increments once or twice a year and sometimes when I'm lucky I skip a year (once 2 years!)
Besides the Bipolar I also have a host of other medical issues, so now I am permanently on Social Security Disability. I also receive Medicare Parts A, B and D. However, I "make" too much to be eligible for Medicaid. My Medicare Part D covers the majority of the cost of my medications, if I didn't have it my medications would take up my entire month's check and I would still be short by more than $500 dollars. I also live with my mom. Did I mention I'm 47?
I don't want your pity, sympathy or empathy.
I want your understanding.
Understand that there are times when the life we live
is not a choice.
We do the best we can and sometimes even that is not good enough.
If I could choose a smile or laughter over suicidal ideation I would.
Having a society that understands that is worth more than all the empathy and sympathy combined.
No one wants your pity.
I want your opinion of those you deem "less than you" to be enlightened by your release of willful ignorance.
Understand that not everyone has the same opportunities and we all do the best we can with what cards we are dealt.