23 October 2015

"A" is for Abortion and Arbitrary and Asinine

Question for today: isn't it kinda interesting that everyone that was ever in favor of abortion was at one time a fetus?... 

(A question posed by a friend on Facebook)

It's also kind of interesting that not every abortion is because "some dumb bimbo didn't use birth control and now has to 'fix' her mistake". 
Abortions happen for many reasons but the most important one is because it's a personal decision made by the woman, whose body it is, and her doctor. 
Girls as young as 11(and in some cases younger) are victims of rape/incest and become pregnant, babies form only a brain stem and no brain, some have severe birth defects that would allow the baby to live for minutes after birth, babies die in utero and for whatever reason are not naturally aborted, sometimes the life of the mother is at stake, sometimes a woman is raped (sometimes gang raped) but whatever the situation it is the woman's choice. It is the woman's choice not a politician, not a religious institution, not a parent/spouse/relative, not a group of concerned persons fighting for the right of the unborn and most definitely not anyone who is not the pregnant woman or her doctor. 
A medically sound decision made by the woman and her doctor is the only intelligent and viable decision.

[EXCERPT] "Numerous examples of lethal fetal anomalies detected after 20 weeks include, but are not limited to:
  • anencephaly, which is a lethal fetal anomaly characterized by the absence of the brain and cranium above the base of the skull, leading to death before or shortly after birth
  • renal agenesis, where the kidneys fail to materialize, leading to death before or shortly after birth
  • limb-body wall complex, where the organs develop outside of the body cavity
  • neural tube defects such as encephalocele (the protrusion of brain tissue through an opening in the skull), and severe hydrocephaly (severe accumulation of excessive fluid within the brain)
  • meningomyelocele, which is an opening in the vertebrae through which the meningeal sac may protrude
  • caudal regression syndrome, a structural defect of the lower spine leading to neurological impairment and incontinence
  • lethal skeletal dysplasias, where spinal and limb growth are grossly impaired leading to stillbirths, premature birth, and often death shortly after birth, often from respiratory failure
For many families who have never dealt with the trauma of fetal anomalies, it may seem difficult to understand why third term abortions are necessary. But when abortion care is restricted at 20 weeks, women are often forced to carry nonviable fetuses, often to term. In the case of lethal fetal anomalies, this requirement means countless appointments, treatments, tests, and conversations about the imminent death of their fetus, inflicting preventable trauma on families who want to carry a healthy fetus to term."

Science Progress | Where science, technology, and progressive policy meet


Fetal Anomalies, Undue Burdens, and 20-week Abortion Bans

A mere speck nestled in the eye of a needle, a five-day-old embryo (photographed using an electron microscope) contains controversial stem cells.

Photograph by Yorgos Nikas, M.D.

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