25 October 2015

If we are all not free, then how are we brave?

Liberty raises her arm lighting the way for Freedom, wanting to call out but knowing all men are still not equal. Right now there is an illusion of Equality and Freedom in this country. Selfish pride blocks the way for all, although it is created by few. The largest blockade was color and then religion because we can see the color of skin and people see where you do or don't worship. Sexuality has been a tricky one but the ones who were different, those not straight, kept themselves separate, raised the walls of protection until that protection caged them in. And what is the real problem anyway? Fear of love. The love that you have for another making you feel wrong instead of free. How does that harm? Perhaps how some feel less in the face of it - diminished. Or perhaps that others love is more genuine - that if people who they deem "lesser" have something that they themselves cannot attain they need to right it no matter what it takes. Even by taking others rights from them. By making the minority suffer indignities for their perceived flaws.

 The bigots are hedging their bets because Ignorance is the banner they wave and it is actually quite easy to rally those troops. Fear of anyone different - whether color, religion, politics, illness, sexuality or even intelligence - drives the fear that they perceive as bravery.

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