04 May 2011

Cousins - common ancestor

I was informed today, by an acquaintance using almost the exact same phrasing(surprisingly or maybe not so)as another acquaintance from about 5 yrs ago that when it comes to man evolution just doesn't make sense. The way man is .... it is just too perfect for 'this' to have all occurred randomly...... "Only God could have created all this." I get headaches from these conversations. The evolution information came from the History Channel and the person felt it left alot unsaid and that the bible had more complete answers. This person, like the one from 5 years ago, found it very difficult to read the science due to a myriad of excuses. Not exclusive to: "not liking reading", not having an understanding of the basic science but unwilling to make the effort to find someone to explain it or find less advanced texts, unwilling to accept scientific fact as fact(specifically peer-reviewed research), they think it is laughable that we are descended from monkeys(we are not - we share a common ancestor) and what frightens me most is they feel even exploring the issue is detrimental to the delicate balance of their entire belief system. I may be an Atheist but I respect the many numbers of religious scientists and lay people that have found a balance in God-driven evolution.

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